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#Alongthewallin80days - Day 39

Samantha's picture
Sat, 21/06/2014 - 10:30 -- Samantha

Milecastles 43 and 44 are next on the countdown. 

Milecastle 44, grid reference NY68886694, can be found about 1.5 kilometres (0.93 mi) west of the Great Chesters fort, also known as Aesica. The milecastle survives as a small number of visible facing stones, and a turf-covered bank but not much more can be seen. 

There is however even less to see of Milecastle 43 as it is burried beneath the north wall of Great Chesters Fort.  The milecastle was destroyed when the fort was built in around 128 AD. The site was excavated in 1939 and the milecastles foundations were discovered, no visible remains of the milecastle are there today but the remains of the fort its self are quite interesting... 

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