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#Alongthewallin80days - Day 52

Samantha's picture
Fri, 04/07/2014 - 15:53 -- Samantha

Day 52 - Milecastle 36

The site of Milecastle 36 is located on King's Hill, 800 metres northeast of Housesteads Roman Fort. There is little to see on the ground as most of the walls have been robbed and quarried away. The milecastle was robbed of most of its remaining stone in 1831. Part of the east and west walls are indicated by robber-trenches however the remainder of the milecastle has been destroyed by surface quarrying, and the featureless interior is overlain by Wall tumble.

Milecastle 36 was excavated in 1946. It was found to have a long axis and narrow walls. The excavations revealed that in the post-Hadrianic period the south gate was destroyed and the north gate was reconstructed and then blocked.

The turrets associated with Milecastle 36 are known as Turret 36A and Turret 36B. Turret 36A (Kennel Crags) (grid reference NY79316915) is visible only as a slight earthen platform. The turret was located in 1911 and excavated in 1946. It was found to have narrow walls and a door to the east. It appears to have been put out of commission before the end of the Roman period. Turret 36B (Housesteads) (grid reference NY78966884) lies within Housesteads Roman Fort. It was demolished when the fort was built, and overlain with buildings. The foundations of the turret survive, and the walls have been excavated and consolidated, standing to a maximum height of 0.7 meters.

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