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#Alongthewallin80days - Day 63

Samantha's picture
Tue, 15/07/2014 - 21:12 -- Samantha

#Alongthewallin80days - Day 63

Day 63 

As we have already found out in several previous blog posts, each milecatsle has 2 associated Turrets. Most of the turrets along Hadrian's wall are better preserved than their associated milecastle. The turrets between milecastle 29 and 25 however have little to show for them selves however some are better preserved than others. 

The turrets associated with Milecastle 29 are 29A, Black Carts, and 29B, Limestone Bank. The remains of 29A are some of the best along Hadrian's Wall and are well worth a visit. 

Turrets 28A and 28B are the turrets assocaiated with milecastle 28, neither have substantial remains and the remains of 28A are not visible above ground! 

Turret 27A is situated at the Chesters Roman Fort site, however, 27B, also associated with milecastle 27 has not been located and its position is only calculated. 

Milecastle 26 also has 2 associated Turrets, turret 26A and 26 B. Turret 26A has upstanding remains of up to 2.8 meters in height!! 

The site of 25A was though to have been located in 1930 but this was later found to be a mistake. The remains of Turret 25B can be located to the south west of St Oswald's Church at Heavenfield. 

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