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#Alongthewallin80days - Day 38

Samantha's picture
Fri, 20/06/2014 - 09:58 -- Samantha

Day 38 

Milecastle 45, grid reference NY67716657, can be found on top of Waltown Crags. Very little remains of the milecastle due to it being robbed if stone over the centuries. Robber trenches that are flanked by spoiler banks however can be clearly seen on arial photographs. 

Milecastle 45 has 2 associated Turrets. Turret 45A (grid reference NY67406634) and 45B (grid reference NY66956607). Turret 45A boasts some beautiful views and some remains. When the turret was excavated it was believed that it may possible predate the wall and was more than likely a watchtower associated with the Stanegate, a Roman Road that linked 2 important Forts. Turret 45B however was destroyed soon after 1883 by the operations of the Greenland Quarry and no visible remains are visible. Both Turrets and the milecastle can be accessed by the Hadrian's Wall path. Read day 3 of the blog to find out more about walking the wall...

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